Pastor’s Piece – August 1
St. Alphonsus Liguori – August 1, 2020
Although the Easter Vigil was canceled that doesn’t mean that the Lord’s work of sharing the faith was suspended. We still had souls preparing to join the Catholic Church and adult Catholics seeking full initiation into Christ’s Church. As unique as shutting down the Easter Vigil is to Church history, so we find a unique opportunity in our faith this August.
We celebrate each year the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on August 15 with a Holy Day of Obligation. This year with Holy Day and Sunday obligations lacking, we have the opportunity to have Mass Saturday night in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Sunday as the XX Sunday of Ordinary Time. I desire to use our weekend feast day to mark the significance of welcoming at least six members of our community into full communion with Christ and his Church. So, on Friday, August 14, we will have the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion ministered in Spanish at the 6:00 PM Mass, and on Saturday, August 15, we will repeat in English.
This is a very hope filled time to celebrate God’s blessings shining through some dark clouds. Nevertheless, if you have adopted Saturday evening Mass to experience a Sunday Liturgy, please note that this year it will be the Mass for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Additionally, if you attend a Saturday evening Mass assuming that the vast majority of the congregation will be wearing masks, this may not be your hoped for circumstance.