Welcome to St. Katharine Drexel!

Located at the corner of Waterfall Road and Route 15 — Haymarket, VA

Why Build a Church?

Building a parish church will provide our community with a spiritual home to come together to glorify God and help build God’s kingdom on earth.

What is Our Goal?

Given your generosity and the progress of our Cornerstone Capital Campaign, Bishop Michael Burbidge celebrated a ceremonial groundbreaking on the feast day of St. Katharine Drexel – Thursday, March 3, 2022.

To keep the project on track, we must raise at least additional funds to include essential office space within our new church building. Now is the time to show your support. It is important that we have the participation of every parishioner who calls St. Katharine Drexel Mission their spiritual home.

With our SKD Cornerstone Campaign, donors have three years to make their pledges, but we need your help by completing a Commitment Form today!

What is Our Current Status?

Cornerstone Campaign Announcement

March 2023 – Sitework begins

May 2024 – Major church construction completed

October 2024 – Church Dedication Mass – Bishop Michael F. Burbidg

We greatly appreciate those who have already contributed to our Capital Campaign to make our dream of a church home a reality. The next phase of fundraising is to raise enough money to add offices to our current church building.

We encourage everyone within our community to complete the SKD Cornerstone Campaign Pledge Form. Don’t forget that you can take advantage of the convenience of online donations through Faith Direct.

SKD Cornerstone Campaign Pledge Form

Step One: Make a Pledge

The first step in supporting the SKD Capital Campaign to build our church is to make a pledge. To enable us to properly track the campaign and secure financing, we need you to complete a pledge form, regardless of how you plan to make your contributions.

The diocese will consider funds pledged through the SKD Cornerstone Campaign Pledge Form, as well as funds received, toward the attainment of the remaining $600,000 that we need to raise. That’s why it is very important that all of our SKD families complete a pledge form so your commitment can be counted toward our final goal!

Complete our SKD Cornerstone Campaign Pledge Form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to SKD Mission Office, 4100 Mill Creek Rd., Haymarket, VA 20169.

Step Two: Faith Direct

Once you’ve submitted your pledge form, consider setting up monthly contributions through Faith Direct. It’s the convenient way to give!

You may also make contributions by placing your donation in your pledge envelope and putting it in the collection basket or mailing it to the SKD Mission Office at 4100 Mill Creek Rd., Haymarket, VA 20169

St. Katharine Drexel - Building Exhibit - Elevation
St. Katharine Drexel - Building Exhibit - Sanctuary
SKDM - Site Plan - June 2021

Support the SKD Cornerstone Campaign Today!

As a member of St. Katharine Drexel, we are asking you to consider making a pledge to support the building of our parish church. We know that not everyone can make the same size gift, but we hope everyone will pledge their financial support. Every member of our community is integral to the success of this critical fundraising endeavor.

Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to this important campaign.

Your decision to make an investment in the future of our parish in the Christian spirit of gratitude is a personal one. Consider sharing the gifts God has shared with you.

All contributions from the smallest to the largest are needed and appreciated.

Next Steps …

  1. Complete your Pledge Form!!! To enable us to properly track the campaign and secure financing, we need you to complete a pledge card, regardless of how you plan to make make your contributions. Complete our SKD Cornerstone Campaign Pledge Form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to SKD Mission Office, 4100 Mill Creek Rd., Haymarket, VA 20169. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Lori Trout at 540-687-6433.
  2. Make it easy! Set up an ongoing monthly contribution through Faith Direct.
Building Project FAQs

For a complete list of frequently asked questions pertaining to the building of our church, please see SKD Building Project FAQs.

The weekly Offertory is a fund that pays for routine operations of the parish.  It includes salaries, rent/mortgage, maintenance, utilities, and day-to-day expenses.

The Building Fund is an ongoing and long term, regular savings account to which parishioners contribute and have contributed to since the Mission was formed in 2002 – and will continue even after this project is completed.  It funds building, and improvement projects, but most of the funds will be used to build a permanent Church.  The current account balance is about $500,000.

Our Capital Campaigns are designed to raise funds rapidly to build a permanent Church.  Parishioners are asked to pledge an amount that can be paid at once or over a period of up to 3 years.  The expectation for a Capital Campaign is to raise significant amounts quickly, like a burst, as opposed to routine, weekly or monthly contributions.

Funds from the Building Fund and Capital Campaigns will be used to build a permanent Church.

You can contribute to building our church via Faith Direct, monthly envelopes, or mailing a check to the Mission Office. Similarly, you can contribute to the SKD Cornerstone Capital Campaign though the pledge form on the website.

Yes, it’s the most convenient way to support our church.  Faith direct allows you to link payments to bank accounts and/or credit cards.  You can schedule payments to automatically occur monthly or you can make them on a one time basis.  Please sign up at www.faithdirect.net/. The St. Katharine Drexel code is VA786.

If you would like additional information, please contact Lori Trout at (540) 687-6433.

Get started by submitting your SKD Cornerstone Campaign
Pledge Form today!


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