Pastor’s Piece – July 11
St. Benedict, July 11, 2020
(Mensaje para los que hablan español está abajo.)
The results of the parochial survey are in in. The most important life altering responses are that 118 of you registered families from SKD would bring your family to a Mass at a farm, if I offered it. The second big change indicator is that 46 families from SSM said that they would attend an exclusive mask only Mass, if I offered it.
So, I’ll get to work to make it happen. Possibly by July 26 we could have Mass at the Fall Festival venue for you at SKD. You indicated that I could expect 275 to attend. If this number is accurate, we would need two Masses to accommodate everybody with recommended social distancing. I think it prudent to set our sights to lower expectations and we’ll plan for one Mass. I wish to accommodate as many as possible before things get too hot, so we’ll have Mass at 9:00am. If it is a success, then we can adjust for an additional Mass. Please, keep in mind that we can accommodate 75 in the enclosure (the barn) with social distancing. There are those who will have to be ready sit outdoors.
The mask-only Mass at SSM didn’t make the top of the life-altering list because I can start up the 5:00pm Mass. I’m still hearing Confessions at 3:45pm and frankly, it feels weird not to offer Mass afterwards. So, starting Saturday, July 18, we’ll have the 5:00pm Sunday Mass of Anticipation (“Vigil Mass”) at SSM as our exclusive mask-only Mass. We won’t turn anybody away who doesn’t don a mask, but I’ll do my best to promote it as such.
Todavía no se el sitio con el año escolar con los condados de Loudoun y Fauquier. Loudoun está hablando de asistir clases por medio del internet. Si que tu casa no tiene una conexión de internet suficiente tal vez podemos hablar de usar la conexión parroquial en el salón. Háblate conmigo, si que estás interesado.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Murphy