Love to Sing? Join the Choir

St. Katharine Drexel Mission is seeking volunteer teenage through adult cantors (8:00 and 10:30 am Masses) and choir members (10:30 AM).  We are also seeking substitute pianists, for both Mass times, who will be paid a stipend. For more information, please see choir member Kathy Cumber after Mass, or email

Haymarket Regional Food Pantry - SKD Ministry

Food Pantry Ministry Volunteers Needed

St. Katharine Drexel Mission collects non-perishable food items for the Haymarket Food Pantry each Sunday during Mass. Please find the baskets in the hallway near Battlefield High School Entrance #4.

Anyone who wishes to join this ministry and deliver food donations from Mass to the Haymarket Food Regional Pantry in Gainesville, please contact Laura Smith at The Food Pantry drop-off address is: 7669 Limestone Drive, #105 Gainesville, VA 20155

We hope to set up a rotating schedule with a once-a-month time commitment of about an hour.

Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) for Adults

For all non-baptized adults who are interested in the Catholic faith as well as adult Catholics who are looking to be confirmed and complete their Christian Initiation, classes will start on October 4 at 7:00 PM in the SKD Mission Office (4100 Mill Creek Rd, Haymarket) until Easter. The classes are designed to prepare the uninitiated to be initiated and for the initiated to be edified.

If you know of somebody interested in Catholicism, of a Catholic missing a sacrament, or an adult Catholic interested in
learning more about the basics of our faith, please, join us.

Email or call 540-687-6433 or just come!